Silicon Gulch Browncoats

This page contains photographs of the Silicon Gulch Browncoats group. If you're so inclined, you can find more pictures of us in the Photos section of our SiliconGulchBrowncoats Yahoo! Group.

Additionally, there is now a Silicon Gulch Browncoats flickr group, with associated photo pool where you can view further Silicon Gulch Browncoats related imagery!

October Shindig, Mountain View, 2005.10.05

For a few months now, we've been having our monthly meet-ups (aka shindigs) at The Tied House in Mountain View. At our October shindig, we took a few photos. Here's a couple of shots of the group that day.

Camera 12, San Jose, 2005.09.30

On opening night of Serenity, we organised a large group to go and see the Big Damn Movie at the Camera 12 cinemas (which are pretty sweet!) in San Jose. It was, according to Camera 12 management, the first time they'd had a line out the door! Go Browncoats!

Before the movie, we ate dinner at a local pizza joint, and Felix took a few pictures.

Felix's Serenity Opening Night Photos

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Web design by Stephen Jacob. Shiny hosting by Dreamhost.